ISO 14001:2015
Environmental Management
ISO 14001:2015 is a standard of requirements which clearly defines and establishes controls to reduce your companys environmental impact as a result of your everyday operations. Targets and Objectives must be defined and legal requirements met in order to maintain compliance to ISO 14001:2015.
ISO 14001 Benefits
Effective implementation of an Environmental Management System will result in a reduction in pollution, a minimisation of waste and efficient use of raw materials and energy. This, in turn, will promote the ethical standing within your business, reduce costs and ensure you guard against legislative liability.
- Lower Insurance Costs
- Reduction in the impact of environmental incidents
- Improved environmental focus
- Cost savings through a reduction in the usage of gas, electricity and water
- Having ISO 14001:2015 Certification can help your organisation to bid for new contracts and tenders, especially within the public sector and green industry.
Our ISO 14001 Process
1.Client Agreement
- Agree the service you require with respect to ISO 14001:2015 Certification and sign a client agreement
- CQS will then issue you with a Pre-Assessment Pack of Environmental Management System documents for you to complete prior to booking your assessment.
- Pay 25% of the certification fee as a deposit
2.Complete Pre-Assessment Documentation
- Complete the Pre-Assessment Documentation and email to the office for review
- Book your assessment date and we will email confirmation.
- Your appointed Assessor will review the Pre-Assessment Documentation and your assessment date will be confirmed.
- Audit of your current procedures and working practices
- Issue of assessment report detailing the findings and areas to be addressed to achieve certification to ISO 14001:2015 Certification
- Assistance with the preparation of documentation required to meet the requirements of the Standard
4.Completion of Outstanding Actions
- Your 14001:2015 Assessment Report will detail actions required in order for you to meet the requirements of the Standard
- You must implement these actions in the timeframe between your Assessment and your Certification Audit
5.ISO 14001 Certification Audit
- Further Audit of your Environmental Management System procedures and working practices to confirm that you have rectified the areas highlighted in your Stage 1 Assessment
- Discussion to confirm your understanding of commitment required to maintain your certification
- Certificate and logo presentation upon successful completion of your Audit.
6.Annual Audit
- Surveillance Audits of your Environmental Management System to confirm that you still meet the requirements of the ISO 14001:2015 Standard
- CQS will issue a new certificate every 3 years upon successful completion of your ISO 14001:2015 audits.
You will receive your Management Systems Manual plus all the other necessary aids to help you take the best advantage of your achievement. Upon certification you will receive:
- ISO 14001:2015 Certificate
- Management Systems Manual & Supporting Documentation
- Audit Information Pack
- Logos for use on stationery, marketing materials, vehicles, premises & equipment
- Issue 1 Manual electronically
- Your business entered into the CQS register of certified companies